Pope Francis The Destroyer Caves In! Scandalous Scalfari Interview Taken Down From Vatican Website & Sent Down The Memory Hole!

Remember: Holy Roman Emperor Is The Right Arm Of The Church
Holy Roman Pontiff Is The Head Of The Church
Renew thy signs, and work new miracles. Glorify thy hand, and thy right arm. Raise up indignation, and pour out wrath. Take away the adversary, and crush the enemy. Hasten the time, and remember the end, that they may declare thy wonderful works. Prayer To The Blessed Trinity For The Restoration Of The Divinely Ordained Authority Of The Holy Roman Emperor   
The scandalous interview was a little too much. Who's idea was it to place it along with official church documents? Francis, of course! Look, according to Fr. Lombardi  “if Francis felt his thought had been ‘gravely misrepresented,’ he would have said so.” But Francis never said his words were misrepresented and to prove the veracity of his words in the scandalous interview, Pope Francis thumbed his nose at the scandalized and had it placed on the Vatican website - treating the scandalous interview as an official document of the Church. So, no, Francis believes that what he said in the scandalous interview was the truth, and if you were scandalized by what was said by him in that interview  - then you have the problem!

So now there has been a change of heart? 
"The information in the [scandalous Scalfari] interview is reliable on a general level but not on the level of each individual point analysed. This is why it was decided the text should not be available for consultation on the Holy See website, its removal is a final update on the nature of this text. Some mistakes were made regarding its value, which was questioned. The Secretariat of State took the decision." Fr. Lombardi Vatican Spokesman
Never to be seen again:

Sent down the memory hole:
In the walls of the cubicle there were three orifices. To the right of the speakwrite, a small pneumatic tube for written messages, to the left, a larger one for newspapers; and in the side wall, within easy reach of Winston's arm, a large oblong slit protected by a wire grating. This last was for the disposal of waste paper. Similar slits existed in thousands or tens of thousands throughout the building, not only in every room but at short intervals in every corridor. For some reason they were nicknamed memory holes. When one knew that any document was due for destruction, or even when one saw a scrap of waste paper lying about, it was an automatic action to lift the flap of the nearest memory hole and drop it in, whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air to the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building Nineteen Eighty-Four
