Joseph Shaw: Latin Mass Traditionalists MUST Unite With MUSLIMS....

Oh Look They're Kneeling With Guns!

Muslims and those who attend Latin Mass have a lot in common.

There will be a day when Muslims and Latin Mass Traditionalists will fight side by side making war on the Church. 

Joseph Shaw is promoting the work in 'converting' Muslim with the Latin Liturgy.

Stop right there.

History lesson - the mad prophet Muhammad was a Catholic priest who desired to be Pope. Muhammad was never made pope, so he got even by creating his own hellish political party - called Islam. 

Those Catholics who followed the false and lying prophet gave up their Catholic faith and gave up going to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and gave up all the Sacraments of the Church.

So Arabs who had a 600 year history of practicing the Catholic faith gave it all up for politics. 

Now comes along Mr. Shaw who has the brilliant idea that Muslims will convert to the faith that their forefather left with their exposure to the Latin Mass.

Its a scam. Mr. Alexander Joseph Ranald Shaw is a British academic who desires to unite Muslim terrorist with Latin Mass gun nuts.

Mr. Shaw is using the Latin Mass as a vehicle to unite Muslims with Latin Mass pew sitters.

Joseph Shaw is the current chairman of the Latin Mass Society.

The Latin Mass Society of England and Wales is a Catholic society associated with the Catholic Church in England and Wales dedicated to making the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, also known as the Tridentine Mass, more widely available.The group organised a petition for the Latin Mass in England and Wales which the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal John Heenan, presented to Pope Paul VI, who granted a papal indult in 1971. Source

Shaw is using the LMS and FSSP to create a political force made up of Muslims and Latin Mass attendees.

Shaw is presenting a paper on Islam to fool the unwary:

Today I am able to publish the latest of the 'Position Papers' of the Una Voce Federation (FIUV), on the subject of Islam. These papers have not only sought to defend aspects of the Traditional liturgy which have been criticised, but also to point out the usefulness to the Church of this liturgy in making the Faith vivid, attractive, or comprehensible, to particular groups inside and outside the Church: in Africa, in China, in relation to the Oriental Churches, to children, to men, to people influenced by the New Age, and now to Muslims. Source

The only good thing that may come out of this, is that Latin Mass sites in England will not be a target of Muslim terror attack.

But here's the bad news - many Catholic Churches in England that offer only the new mass will be targets for bombings.

The Latin Mass goers can then say that their Latin Mass site are from God because they suffer no terror attacks whereas the New Mass sites are not from God because they suffer terror attacks.

So what to watch for?

Bombings of Catholic Churches in England in the coming weeks and into 2018.


  1. What is wrong with preaching the gospel to the Muslims?

    1. Well for one thing - the laity do not have commission from the Bishops to preach to the Muslims - the laity are not sent.

      Another thing - the lay solution is to bring Muslims into a Latin Mass site hoping that the Muslim will convert after viewing the Latin Mass.

      The laity just sit in the pews - it is the priest who preaches during the Mass - the laity do nothing.

      The other thing is that in order for a Catholic to convince any Muslim to attend Latin Mass is that Catholic will be forced to learn Muslims Prayers and attend Mosques on regular basis - I think that Mr. Alexander Joseph Ranald Shaw has already attended several Mosques and has participated in the Muslim prayers - I bet that MI-5 has pics of Mr. Alexander Joseph Ranald Shaw entering and leaving Mosques....Go ahead and Email Mr Shaw and ask him what Mosques he has attended there in Britain...

      So that's what's wrong with Latin Mass preaching to Muslims...


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